Sunday, August 18, 2019

You know what they say about plans...

So instagram basically crashed on me as soon as I got to Paris. My sattellite communication unit is very slow. So I have not been able to update as I might have hoped to. Here are a few photos of my trip so far. I am having a great tjme, and the ride will start for me in just a few hours.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

PBP the Ride

For those interested, > here < is a short history of Paris-Brest-Paris. Written by American Randonneur of some renown Bill Bryant, it's a quick read and should give you a little taste of what it is, and why anyone would sign up willingly such a ride.


I'll be posting photos from the trip to Instagram. Check it out. > Insta


While in France I'll be trackable at - the password is Casey@PBP which you'll need to enter (caps and all) when prompted.